Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy describes how (the “Site” or “we”) collects, uses, and discloses your Personal Information when you visit or make a purchase from the Site.

Collecting Personal Information

When you visit the Site, we collect certain information about your device, your interaction with the Site, and information necessary to process your purchases. We may also collect additional information if you contact us for customer support. In this Privacy Policy, we refer to any information that can uniquely identify an individual (including the information below) as “Personal Information”. See the list below for more information about what Personal Information we collect and why.

Device information

  • Examples of Personal Information collected: version of web browser, IP address, time zone, cookie information, what sites or products you view, search terms, and how you interact with the Site.
  • Purpose of collection: to load the Site accurately for you, and to perform analytics on Site usage to optimize our Site.
  • Source of collection: Collected automatically when you access our Site using cookies, log files, web beacons, tags, or pixels.
  • Disclosure for a business purpose: shared with our processor Shopify

Order information

  • Examples of Personal Information collected: name, billing address, shipping address, payment information (including credit card numbers, bank account numbers, PayPal, and e-wallets), email address, and phone number.
  • Purpose of collection: to provide products or services to you to fulfill our contract, to process your payment information, arrange for shipping, and provide you with invoices and/or order confirmations, communicate with you, screen our orders for potential risk or fraud, and when in line with the preferences you have shared with us, provide you with information or advertising relating to our products or services.
  • Source of collection: collected from you.
  • Disclosure for a business purpose: shared with our processor Shopify, payment gateways such as iPay88, PayPal, and GHL, and shipping agents.


We do not intentionally collect Personal Information from Minors under the age of 18 (Under the Law of Malaysia). If you are the parent or guardian and believe your child has provided us with Personal Information, please contact us at the address below to request deletion.

Sharing Personal Information

We share your Personal Information with service providers to help us provide our services and fulfill our contracts with you, as described above. For example:

  • We use Shopify to power our online store. You can read more about how Shopify uses your Personal Information here:
  • We may share your Personal Information to comply with applicable laws and regulations, to respond to a subpoena, search warrant or other lawful request for information we receive, or to otherwise protect our rights.

Behavioral Advertising

As described above, we use your Personal Information to provide you with targeted advertisements or marketing communications we believe may be of interest to you. For example:

  • We use Google Analytics to help us understand how our customers use the Site. You can read more about how Google uses your Personal Information here: can also opt-out of Google Analytics here:
  • We share information about your use of the Site, your purchases, and your interaction with our ads on other websites with our advertising partners. We collect and share some of this information directly with our advertising partners, and in some cases through the use of cookies or other similar technologies (which you may consent to, depending on your location).
  • For more information about how targeted advertising works, you can visit the Network Advertising Initiative’s (“NAI”) educational page at
You can opt out of targeted advertising by:

  • GOOGLE -
  • BING -]
Additionally, you can opt out of some of these services by visiting the Digital Advertising Alliance’s opt-out portal at:

Using Personal Information

We use your personal Information to provide our services to you, which includes: offering products for sale, processing payments, shipping and fulfillment of your order, and keeping you up to date on new products, services, and offers.

Lawful basis

Pursuant to the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), if you are a resident of the European Economic Area (“EEA”), we process your personal information under the following lawful bases:

  • Your consent;
  • The performance of the contract between you and the Site; Compliance with our legal obligations;
  • To protect your vital interests; To perform a task carried out in the public interest;
  • For our legitimate interests, which do not override your fundamental rights and freedoms.


When you place an order through the Site, we will retain your Personal Information for our records unless and until you ask us to erase this information. For more information on your right of erasure, please see the ‘Your rights’ section below.

Automatic decision-making

If you are a resident of the EEA, you have the right to object to processing based solely on automated decision-making (which includes profiling), when that decision-making has a legal effect on you or otherwise significantly affects you.

We do not engage in fully automated decision-making that has a legal or otherwise significant effect using customer data.

Our processor Shopify uses limited automated decision-making to prevent fraud that does not have a legal or otherwise significant effect on you.

Services that include elements of automated decision-making include:

  • Temporary denylist of IP addresses associated with repeated failed transactions. This denylist persists for a small number of hours.
  • Temporary denylist of credit cards associated with denylisted IP addresses. This denylist persists for a small number of days.

Selling Personal Information

Our Site do not sell Personal Information.

Your rights

If you are a resident of the EEA, you have the right to access the Personal Information we hold about you, to port it to a new service, and to ask that your Personal Information be corrected, updated, or erased. If you would like to exercise these rights, please contact us through the contact information below.

Your Personal Information will be initially processed in Ireland and then will be transferred outside of Europe for storage and further processing, including to Canada and the United States. For more information on how data transfers comply with the GDPR, see Shopify’s GDPR Whitepaper:

If you are a resident of California, you have the right to access the Personal Information we hold about you (also known as the ‘Right to Know’), to port it to a new service, and to ask that your Personal Information be corrected, updated, or erased. If you would like to exercise these rights, please contact us through the contact information below If you would like to designate an authorized agent to submit these requests on your behalf, please contact us at the address below.


A cookie is a small amount of information that’s downloaded to your computer or device when you visit our Site. We use a number of different cookies, including functional, performance, advertising, and social media or content cookies. Cookies make your browsing experience better by allowing the website to remember your actions and preferences (such as login and region selection). This means you don’t have to re-enter this information each time you return to the site or browse from one page to another. Cookies also provide information on how people use the website, for instance whether it’s their first time visiting or if they are a frequent visitor.

We use the following cookies to optimize your experience on our Site and to provide our services.

Cookies Necessary for the Functioning of the Store





  • 收集的个人信息示例: Web 浏览器版本、IP 地址、时区、Cookie 信息、您查看的网站或产品、搜索词以及您与网站互动的方式。
  • 收集目的: 为您准确加载网站,并对网站使用情况进行分析以优化我们的网站。
  • 征集来源: 当您使用 cookie、日志文件、网络信标、标签或像素访问我们的网站时自动收集。
  • 出于商业目的的披露: 与我们的处理器 Shopify 共享


  • 收集的个人信息示例: 姓名、帐单地址、送货地址、付款信息(包括信用卡号、银行帐号、PayPal 和电子钱包)、电子邮件地址和电话号码。
  • 收集目的:向您提供产品或服务以履行我们的合同、处理您的付款信息、安排运输、向您提供发票和/或订单确认书、与您沟通、筛查我们的订单是否存在潜在风险或欺诈,根据您与我们分享的偏好,向您提供与我们的产品或服务相关的信息或广告。
  • 征集来源: 从你那里收集的。
  • 出于商业目的的披露: 与我们的处理商 Shopify、iPay88、PayPal 和GHL 等支付网关以及运输代理共享。


  • 收集的个人信息示例: 姓名、帐单地址、送货地址、付款信息(包括信用卡号、银行帐号、PayPal 和电子钱包)、电子邮件地址和电话号码。
  • 收集目的:向您提供产品或服务以履行我们的合同、处理您的付款信息、安排运输、向您提供发票和/或订单确认书、与您沟通、筛查我们的订单是否存在潜在风险或欺诈,根据您与我们分享的偏好,向您提供与我们的产品或服务相关的信息或广告。
  • 征集来源: 从你那里收集的。
  • 出于商业目的的披露: 与我们的处理商 Shopify、iPay88、PayPal 和GHL 等支付网关以及运输代理共享。


我们不会故意收集 18 岁以下未成年人的个人信息(根据马来西亚法律)。如果您是父母或监护人并认为您的孩子向我们提供了个人信息,请通过以下地址与我们联系以请求删除。



  • 我们使用 Shopify 为我们的在线商店提供支持。您可以在此处详细了解 Shopify 如何使用您的个人信息:
  • 我们可能会共享您的个人信息,以遵守适用的法律和法规,回应传票、搜查令或对我们收到的信息的其他合法请求,或以其他方式保护我们的权利。



  • 我们使用 Google Analytics 来帮助我们了解客户如何使用本网站。您可以在此处详细了解 Google 如何使用您的个人信息: 。您还可以在此处选择退出 Google Analytics:
  • 我们与我们的广告合作伙伴分享有关您使用本网站、您的购买以及您与我们在其他网站上的广告互动的信息。我们直接与我们的广告合作伙伴收集和共享其中一些信息,在某些情况下通过使用 cookie 或其他类似技术(您可能同意,具体取决于您所在的位置)。
  • 有关定向广告如何运作的更多信息,您可以访问网络广告促进会 (NAI) 的教育页面:







  • 您的同意;
  • 您与本网站之间合同的履行;
  • 遵守我们的法律义务;
  • 保护您的切身利益;
  • 执行为了公共利益而执行的任务;
  • 为了我们的合法利益,这些利益不会凌驾于您的基本权利和自由之上。






我们的处理者 Shopify 使用有限的自动决策来防止对您没有法律或其他重大影响的欺诈行为。


  • 与重复失败的事务关联的 IP 地址的临时拒绝名单。该拒绝名单会持续几个小时。
  • 与列入黑名单的 IP 地址关联的信用卡的临时黑名单。该拒绝名单会持续几天。






    您的个人信息最初将在爱尔兰进行处理,然后将被转移到欧洲境外进行存储和进一步处理,包括转移到加拿大和美国。有关数据传输如何遵守 GDPR 的更多信息,请参阅 Shopify 的 GDPR 白皮书:





    Cookie 是当您访问我们的网站时下载到您的计算机或设备上的少量信息。我们使用多种不同的 cookie,包括功能性、性能、广告以及社交媒体或内容 cookie。 Cookie 允许网站记住您的操作和偏好(例如登录和区域选择),从而改善您的浏览体验。这意味着您不必每次返回站点或从一个页面浏览到另一个页面时都重新输入此信息。 Cookie 还提供有关人们如何使用网站的信息,例如他们是第一次访问还是经常访问。

    我们使用以下 cookie 来优化您在我们网站上的体验并提供我们的服务。

    商店正常运行所需的 Cookie

    姓名 功能
    _ab 与管理访问结合使用。
    _secure_session_id 与店面导航结合使用。
    大车 与购物车结合使用。
    购物车签名 与结帐结合使用。
    购物车_ts 与结帐结合使用。
    结账令牌 与结帐结合使用。
    秘密 与结帐结合使用。
    安全客户签名 与客户登录结合使用。
    店面摘要 与客户登录结合使用。
    _shopify_u 用于方便更新客户帐户信息。


    姓名 功能
    _tracking_consent 跟踪偏好。
    _登陆页面 跟踪登陆页面
    _orig_referrer 跟踪登陆页面
    _s Shopify 分析。
    _shopify_fs Shopify 分析。
    _shopify_s Shopify 分析。
    _shopify_sa_p 与营销和推荐相关的 Shopify 分析。
    _shopify_sa_t 与营销和推荐相关的 Shopify 分析。
    _shopify_y Shopify 分析。
    _y Shopify 分析。


    Cookie 在您的计算机或移动设备上保留的时间长度取决于它是“持久”Cookie 还是“会话”Cookie。会话 Cookie 会持续到您停止浏览,而持久 Cookie 会持续到过期或被删除。我们使用的大多数 Cookie 都是持久性的,自下载到您的设备之日起 30 分钟到两年内就会过期。

    您可以通过多种方式控制和管理 cookie。请记住,删除或阻止 Cookie 可能会对您的用户体验产生负面影响,并且我们网站的部分内容可能无法再完全访问。

    大多数浏览器会自动接受 cookie,但您可以通过浏览器控件(通常位于浏览器的“工具”或“首选项”菜单中)选择是否接受 cookie。有关如何修改浏览器设置或如何阻止、管理或过滤 cookie 的更多信息,可以在浏览器的帮助文件中或通过以下网站找到:

    此外,请注意,阻止 Cookie 可能不会完全阻止我们与第三方(例如我们的广告合作伙伴)共享信息。要行使您的权利或选择退出这些方对您信息的某些使用,请按照上面“行为广告”部分中的说明进行操作。






    有关我们隐私惯例的更多信息,如果您有疑问,或者想要投诉,请通过电子邮件 或使用下面提供的详细信息发送邮件与我们联系:

    The Next Level Sdn Bhd, No. 21A, Jalan 20/13, Taman Paramount, 46300 八打灵再也 SGR, 马来西亚

    最后更新日期: 2020 年 12 月 5 日


    The length of time that a cookie remains on your computer or mobile device depends on whether it is a “persistent” or “session” cookie. Session cookies last until you stop browsing and persistent cookies last until they expire or are deleted. Most of the cookies we use are persistent and will expire between 30 minutes and two years from the date they are downloaded to your device.

    You can control and manage cookies in various ways. Please keep in mind that removing or blocking cookies can negatively impact your user experience and parts of our website may no longer be fully accessible. Most browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can choose whether or not to accept cookies through your browser controls, often found in your browser’s “Tools” or “Preferences” menu. For more information on how to modify your browser settings or how to block, manage or filter cookies can be found in your browser’s help file or through such sites as

    Additionally, please note that blocking cookies may not completely prevent how we share information with third parties such as our advertising partners. To exercise your rights or opt-out of certain uses of your information by these parties, please follow the instructions in the “Behavioural Advertising” section above.

    Do Not Track

    Please note that because there is no consistent industry understanding of how to respond to “Do Not Track” signals, we do not alter our data collection and usage practices when we detect such a signal from your browser.


    We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time in order to reflect, for example, changes to our practices or for other operational, legal, or regulatory reasons.


    For more information about our privacy practices, if you have questions, or if you would like to make a complaint, please contact us by e-mail at or by mail using the details provided below:

    The Next Level Sdn Bhd, No. 21A, Jalan 20/13, Taman Paramount, 46300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

    Last updated: 01 September 2024

    If you are not satisfied with our response to your complaint, you have the right to lodge your complaint with the relevant data protection authority.