Tiga Mata zine #2 —
Terms and Conditions & Submission Guidelines

Tiga Mata is a bi-annual zine published by Zontiga (The Next Level Sdn Bhd).

By submitting photographs to Zontiga for a possible publication in ‘Tiga Mata: Issue #2 (Rejected Pictures)’, you acknowledge and agree to the following Conditions of Participation. These conditions constitute an agreement between you and Zontiga (The Next Level Sdn Bhd), located in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia.


  • Both amateur and professional Photographers (including photo-related artists) of Southeast Asia (Brunei, Burma (Myanmar), Cambodia, Timor-Leste, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam) nationality are invited to submit to the Open Call
  • The photograph(s) submitted must be taken by the applicant (the Photographer). Any Photographer who has been found to plagiarise work will be omitted from the review process
  • If the Photographer is under the age of 16, they will be required to submit a document of legal consent from their parent or legal guardian together with their submission.


  • All entries must be submitted digitally via the Tiga Mata Zine #2 Submission Form. For those who are having problems with the submission form, please contact us at tigamata@zontiga.com
  • You may be required to have a Google Account to complete your submission
  • The email address you provide will be our primary means of contacting you
  • You may not submit photographs on behalf of anyone other than yourself.

Image Preparation

Please prepare your photographs using the following guide:

File format: JPG/JPEG
Image Quality: 8 10 (high quality)
Colour space: sRGB
Dimensions: 3000 pixels at its widest/longest side
DPI: 240 300 DPI (if possible)

File Naming (Photos)

All photographs should follow this format of naming, in lowercase:

For example : Bob LEE submitting 3 photos -
lee.cheeming.01.jpg, lee.cheeming.02.jpg, lee.cheeming.03.jpg,

File Naming (Text Files)

All photographs should follow this format of naming, in lowercase:

For example : Bob LEE submitting 3 photos -
lee.cheeming.01.jpg, lee.cheeming.02.jpg, lee.cheeming.03.jpg,

Deadline for Submission

You may submit your entry/photographs via our Tiga Mata #2 Submission Form before 15 July 2024 (Monday), 23:59 (Malaysia Time / +8 GMT).


There is no submission fee for entries.

Submittable Photographs

  • You may submit up to 10 photographs. We encourage the entrant (the Photographer) to send their photo(s) with a title and/ or caption, to provide better context
  • The original photograph(s) must have been captured using an analogue (including cyanotype, chemigram and other alternative photographic processes) or digital (excluding AI) process
  • The minimum dimension for the longest side of the photograph should be at least 3000px
  • Do not include watermarks, borders or signatures on the submitted photos
  • Any image(s) that fail to meet these conditions will not be considered for the selection process.

Publication of Submitted Photographs

  • If your works (photographs) are selected, you authorize Zontiga (The Next Level Sdn Bhd) and any respective guest curator/editor to display your photographs, or have them displayed in any format for press, marketing and communication purposes associated with Tiga Mata, and use, display or project your photos in the context of Tiga Mata and on the Internet and to publish them on the Zontiga and Tiga Mata social media channels, website and newsletters/mailings.
  • You agree that your photograph(s) might be featured in a print publication showcasing the chosen selection of the respective guest curator. Zontiga (The Next Level Sdn Bhd) will provide credit by stating either your name or, upon your explicit request, your pseudonym (artist s name) and, if possible, your RL.
  • You agree that Zontiga (The Next Level Sdn Bhd) is exclusively entitled to make decisions on the display of the submitted photographs. You also agree that your photos may be put into new contexts with other photographs and presented alone or in combination with other photographs.
  • You acknowledge that Zontiga (The Next Level Sdn Bhd) does not guarantee the publication of your submitted photographs and you waive all claims on.

Violation of Rights

  • You are completely responsible for the submitted photographs.
  • Images deemed by the publishers to be exploitative, obscene or pornographic, or violate international law, will be excluded from the selection process
  • If children or minors are featured in your images, photographers should, wherever possible, seek and obtain written consent from the child and their legal guardian when taking their photographs.

Rights and Usage

  • The entrant (the Photographer) guarantees to the publisher (Zontiga / The Next Level Sdn Bhd) that they (the Photographer) own the work submitted, that the complete copyright for the work is held by the Photographer or if the copyright is owned by a third party (e.g. an agency), that the Photographer is entitled to submit the work without any hindrances or limitations, and that if the work was commissioned for private and domestic purposes, it is submitted with the consent of the individual or organisation who commissioned it
  • The entrant guarantees that, if their work is selected to published, that they (the Photographer) have obtained the necessary model releases from the individuals featured in the photograph(s) submitted for all sales, marketing, educational and publicity uses and that no additional releases are required in respect of names, trademarks, designs or works of art.
  • Entrants agree that their work may be published by Zontiga (The Next Level Sdn Bhd) for the purpose of the zine publication and any marketing, sale and promotional activities related to Tiga Mata without monetary compensation
  • Entrants agree that the publishers (Zontiga / The Next Level Sdn Bhd) may use any entries without any payment to the Photographer, model or any third party for any sales, marketing, educational and publicity use on, and in, all media worldwide including catalogues, posters, postcards, the Internet and within a television documentary related to the publication for 2 years from the close of the Open Call. However, such free use shall only be in connection with the Tiga Mata zine and its promotion or featured activities by the organisers or third parties; and the photographer, and if appropriate their agency, will receive credit for such use.


  • Copyright will always be held by the respective individuals or organisations
  • Copyright will not be transferred to the publisher (Zontiga / The Next Level Sdn Bhd) upon submission to Tiga Mata.

About Tiga Mata Click here for our FAQ

Photograph credit: Raz Talhar